Thursday, December 31, 2015

New years resolutions

Getting a new years resolution?

It is the time of year when we are supposed to set up a goal, make a promise to ourselves. A lot of people sets up way too high goals that they will not even try to achieve when they wake up tomorrow morning and starts to sober up.

What's yours?

Here is mine!

It is very easy to come up with reasons not to go to the gym. If I do have valid reasons for not going, I will perform a workout at home using the weights that I do have available. 

At the same time, another one of my goals for 2016 is to keep bringing you guys content via the podcast and this blog. 

Here is a link to the section of my blog with the podcast episodes The Fit Gamer Podcast 

Thank you all for 2015 and let's make 2016 a great year!

Carpal tunnel syndrome

What is Carpal tunnel syndrome?

This is a name that is thrown around the gaming community at times. My favorite mentioning is on the Southpark episode where they play World of Warcraft non-stop. Kyle gets, what he claims to be, carpal tunnel during a gaming session.

The carpal tunnel syndrome is affecting the wrist. Your hand can feel numb, give you tingling sensations and be painful. It can show itself in different ways. 

One of the things that can cause this is highly repetitive tasks (even if they involve low force motions). Does that not sound like a pro gamer to you?
Or even if you are not a pro gamer but just a regular guy/girl who plays a lot this might be an issue.

The symptoms often occurs at night, so you might not connect the feelings of pain, numbness and tingling to your daily activities.

Besides that, which is the most relevant one in this post, it can be caused by stuff like diabetes, obesity, narrow-diameter carpal tunnel or if you have suffered damage to your wrist that created scarring tissue on the inside.

Normally the fingers that is affected is the thumb, the index finger and the middle finger. It often occurs at night. 

The fact that the symptoms often occurs at night when you basically are just going to sleep is something positive. Since you can use a wrist-aid when sleeping. That allows the wrist to rest and not being bent awkwardly. 

To go deeper on the subject I will add a picture on how the wrist looks like. 

To the right you see the actual tunnel. That Median nerve is trying to share the space with a lot of other things. And it is not hard to imagine that it sometimes becomes too tight. 

If things are not fixed by resting your wrist at night there is surgery to be had to fix the problem. 

It is not usually done until the symptoms are not just occasionally occuring, but constant. When the night-splinting and other such methods are no longer helping enough. 
It is called "carpal tunnel release surgery" and that is basically what it is. They cut the wrist open to remove the pressure on the nerve.

Before doing surgery, there are other treatments besides the splinting methods. And just because you get affected by this and even diagnosed, it is not a sure thing that it will last. It might be hard to continue to play computer games at a really high level without taking a break from it though. 

If it is an inflammation or something causing your problem, it will probably heal if you rest the wrist and maybe get some medicine.

Don't use the information in this post to diagnose yourself with carpal tunnel and start treatment. I would suggest that you go to the doctor to see what can cause your problems. 

To avoid problems there are lots of exercises to do. 

Just by searching google you will find images like this one with examples on movements that might help preventing it. And just by thinking about it, it kind of makes sense. By doing all the same movements for many hours, your wrist will need to do some other movements as well. 

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Motivational video I have enjoyed over the years

Great video with Jay Cutler

I have gotten to love the music and find myself motivated by just listening to it since I have watched this video sooo many times over the years.

The king Jay Cutler!

Made up role models

Finding role models from fictional universes

I felt like I had a brilliant idea for an episode of the podcast. It was going to be about this subject. Finding role models that are actually not real people. Role models that exists only in a movie or serie.

Far from everyone can look at their parents and say that they are having the perfect role models when growing up. Or you just might want a role model that are a different kind of person, teaches a different set of rules.

This was my brilliant idea. I was thinking that I would have loads of movies, series etc where there would be characters that would inspire people in their daily lives.

That sounded great in my head. But when I started to list the actual ones, I came up completely empty. How hard can it be?

Very often when I watch a movie I can find myself wanting to work out more and harder because there is a dude in the movie that is big and muscular

If I watch a movie where there is a character that is inventing great stuff and creates a company from scratch or something.
I find myself getting motivated to do really productive shit that I probably shouldn't even think about.

I don't have the time or the actual knowledge to start a company within certain industries. But I still find myself thinking about doing it just because I get so damn motivated to do something productive with the little spare time that I have.

The whole thing surrounding this blog, the podcast and the Twitch channel is an attempt to be productive and having a project to do.
This might actually be considered a damn excuse to play games and keep track of the gaming community. But on the other hand, it could also be considered quite a genious way of getting something productive out from my intrest in gaming and working out.

Romans dieting supplements

Roman on what kind of dieting supplements he has used

The products I mention in this post is probably not around anymore, at least not with the same formula. As time goes by, substances are changed or banned away even. 

What I am saying is that the supplement sold today with the same name might not be what I am referring to. So don't take this post as a guide to what supplements to get, just hop on the journey I made from apple cider vinegar to stronger stimulants.

Apple cider vinegar capsules (I believe that is the correct translation from swedish) was the first supplement I ever got to help with weight loss and hunger. I just happened to see it in the supermarkets shelf with different vitamins and dietary supplements. It said on the bottle that it would reduce the feelings of hunger. 
And that was ideal for me at the time. I wanted some way to make it easier to control my diet. When working out, the body told me that it needed calories, which made me hungry all the time.

The amount of supplements on the market is ridiculous.

So I used it for a few weeks. It was great. I bet that the effect was mainly in my head, placebo. Since I knew I ate those, my mind did believe that it would not feel hunger as much - so I did not feel the same hunger. 

At this time I was surfing the web for different workout forums and web stores that sold supplements. I quickly discovered that the market for these supplements were huge. Of course I had to try some supplements! 

LEAN including green tea (I think it was) and caffeine was probably my next step. I remember using those for quite some time. The dose could be anything from 1/day to 6/day on the bottle I think. So I ended up eating a lot of those to get that feeling of energy flowing through the body (the caffeine) and at the same time I could go without eating for long periods of time. 

At the same time as I ate these I ate Omega 3 and vitamins as well. That meant a lot of pills to swallow each day. And since I used it for keeping my hunger in check it was probably not the best thing to take so many pills on an empty stomach. 

I believe it was after the LEAN pills that I tried some brand called StimulantX. Those were a lot stronger which meant that I never had to swallow as many pills. The StimulantX ones were really effective like I said. 

This supplement were not really made for keeping hunger in check I suppose. But since it provided a lot of energy it would allow me to still have energy even though I had not eaten a lot during the day.
And taking too many on an empty stomach was really a bad idea. But hey, I was young and I did not know better. If you are reading this text, you might learn a thing or two about not making the same mistakes. 

As the years went by I started to take less and less supplements. I started to feel that most of the brands were really similar and expensive. Since I get such good response from caffeine, which is really cheap, I don't need anything else.

I am talking about the time when I started a family and other things in life took over my time and energy. 

A little bit off topic since it is not really something to control the hunger, but a few sentences won't ruin the entire text.

However, one supplement that I am still using a lot is the caffeine pills. If I were to play with the thought that I did not have a family to spend time with I would definitely use more supplements in order to motivate myself a lot more during my visits to the gym.

Even though I consider it to be a lot of placebo effect. I love that placebo effect during my workouts. The feeling after I take a pre-workout shake. On the way to the gym my body starts to itch, the energy wants to burst out from my muscles just from walking to the gym. Excitement!

I am not saying that all supplements are placebo. I am saying that personally, the boost my mind gets from having taken a product is more important that which product it actually is.

When it comes to caffeine, I feel that my body responds really well to it. From talking to a lot of people regarding caffeine, it seems that we all react differently to the substance. I for one, is very affected by it. Hell, I can keep a dance floor going all by myself from just taking caffeine. While some people are not very affected by it. 

Why would I need supplements for losing weight?

Is is not better just not eating as much?

Well. To a certain (but small) extent. Supplements like caffeine that gets your heart going a bit faster will give you a few more calories burnt I suppose. 

The main reason would be this though. When eating less, I need the energy from some source. That source can be sleep. But if I have to work, take care of a family or just simply have a normal life while I am losing weight. I prefer to get some energy from a source like caffeine. It helps me keep going without the energy from those calories that I am not eating.

During this period I managed to control my weight really well. I could get sloppy at times and gain weight but I always knew how to lose it again. Not that I always had to have supplements to do that, I had learned how my body works and what I have to do to lose weight.

But this was my way of getting to know my body and my limitations. If I were to try to lose a lot of weight now, I would probably just go with the caffeine. But all those products that I have used over the years, not all of them mentioned in this post, were probably something that made me the person I am today. 

If I had not tried them, would I have succeeded? Who knows. The success and extra motivation I found from that made me more intrested in the gym world and everything surrounding it. 

If you are not an adult I would however not suggest taking supplements that is not recommended for your age. Since your body is developing and growing as much as it is already, it may not be necessary or even healthy to use certain supplements.
In all honesty, I did not start taking a whole lot of different supplements until I was 18 and free to buy everything myself. 

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Special Episode of The Fit Gamer Podcast - Performing Enhancing Drugs in Esports

Performing enhancing drugs in Esports on The Fit Gamer Podcast

Instead of having an episode that sums up the year, we are doing a special on performing enhancing drugs in Esports. The one we are focusing on is Adderall since it is the most famous one.

Personally I'd recommend to stay away from things that might hurt your body. Medicine is manufactured for a reason and there are diagnoses that makes these medicines beneficial. If you are a healthy human being, the effects might not be the ones you would like. 

You can find the podcast on iTunes and aCast as usual. Using the banner below you are linked to our Stitcher as well.

Listen to Stitcher

Saturday, December 26, 2015

The Fit Gamer Podcast Episode 18

18th Episode out now! The Fit Gamer Podcast

Here we go. The plan to check the Steam sale out properly, went down the toilet when Steam "wasn't hacked"? Something bad happened at least to Steam and sensitive information was shared among users. 
Talk on the LoL-scene, salaries being announced by at least one team so far. Some talk about food and fat in particular. 

You can listen to the episode in the player below or find it at iTunes, aCast and other places that has podcasts. You can also find us on Stitcher, just click the banner below.

Listen to Stitcher

Friday, December 25, 2015

Really Steam?!

Steam.. What the hell!

Tonight I had a plan. I was going to make a video where I browsed through the Steam store showing you guys which games I would recommend. It is a big sale until 4th of January.

When I sat down to prepare the list of games however, I noticed this big error. I was randomly shown other peoples account information. What the hell Steam?!

And are they shutting it all down? Is there any post on Twitter from @Steam_games or @Steam_Support? NO - none!

Twitter is going crazy with the #Steam tag. Who knows how bad this is. At least I don't have any expensive skins or anything on my account. 

Everyone is shown other peoples accounts. Information on credit cards, paypal, email addresses etc... 

If you are using Paypal. Remove Steam from the list of auto-confirming purchases!! It is automatically added to that list.

And with this major, well known security problem I would think that any purchases being made that you later on claim is not you - should get sorted out rather quickly. But who knows... 

Just google Steam hacked reddit or something if you want more info. Twitter is going crazy as well like I wrote above.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Romans pick from Allstars

My favorite moments

There will always be some really great, fun or just troll moments during events like these. I have chosen a few of my favorite ones...

Starting out. Froggen goes AP Nasus in a 1v1. 

Blitzcrank is crazy. A game with 10 Blitzcrank is just a mess. Put 10 of the best players in the world in there, and shit is going to be hilarious.

If you can't choose your champions? In this game the team are given champions and then they will have to decide where to play them. All ranged vs all melee!

Froggen is Anivia personified. Will Faker be able to out Anivia the Anivia 1on1? Check this out, he is going for it!

Friday, December 18, 2015

Episode 17 of The Fit Gamer Podcast

"The Fit Gamer Podcast" Episode 17

This episode is starting out with a lot of talk about movies and movies with the christmas theme in particular. Then it goes on to some gaming talk, mostly about what is happening in the world of League of Legends.
Before running out of time we also spoke some about how to avoid temptations while on a diet.

You can listen to the episode in the player below or use the Stitcher banner at the bottom of the post. It is also available on aCast, iTunes and other places where you can find podcasts.

Listen to Stitcher

Monday, December 14, 2015

New Gameplay from The Forest

Gameplay from The Forest

I found the Katana for the first time! Yippie ka yay! Some deaths during the video as well. Before finding the ninja weapon there were hard times.

Some sick shit found in the caves as well during this video. And as usual, some trashtalking between Sweden and Norway. 


Friday, December 11, 2015

Paint.Net is an amazing freeware

Paint.Net is a great program

I do like the free softwares out there. And over the years I have used quite a few. The one I am currently into is Paint.Net (Find it here).

By reading real quick on their website it seems that it was first supposed to be a free version of Microsoft Paint. But it did grow however and is now more like Adobe Photoshop

Yes I know, it does not have all the features that Photoshop has. But for me, a simple man who basically just wants to work with different layers. This program is great!

Every time I will edit something like birthday invitations or such I am using this program. And now when I am doing this whole blog, podcast and streaming thing. I have started to use it to create different logos and banners. 

There are new ones about to arrive soon. Since putting up the current ones I have been playing around,  testing different options with Paint.Net. I have finally found a style that I will enjoy using in the near future.

I haven't really spent much time learning the program. Since I used Photoshop back in school and around that time I kind of knew how this program worked directly.

I still find new hotkeys that makes my work a lot easier.

So no matter if you are editing photos to mess with your friends or if you are doing a job for your company - I recommend that you try this program out.

Champions League was nice.... While it lasted.

Not to be too salty as a Man Utd fan.... But!

But this kind of sucks. Well, actually it could not have been worse. Here are the reasons why:

Number 1

Obviously, it sucks to leave a tournament as the only english team. It will suck to see when Arsenal, Manchester City and Chelsea keep playing for the Champions League trophy.

Number 2

If it would mean that Manchester United were out of the continental competitions all together. It would mean a big advantage in the title race
Now however, we have to play in the damn Europa League which means a lot of matches. On thursdays? I believe it still is played on thursdays, which means that players will be tired during the weekends. Not cool!

Number 3

It means the loss of TV money from Champions League. And even though they are among the richest clubs in the world, the loss of income is never a good thing.

Well to try to turn this into something positive. Like you always should be doing. Let's just be honest and say that Manchester United probably would not have won the Champions League. 

In Europa League we might win a title. The english clubs are not usually focusing on this tournament though. Why would Manchester United do any different?

The risk of losing focus in Premier League and miss the Champions League spots (top 4) would be a very bad thing for a club with Man Utds position in the world of soccer.

Let's talk diabetes

What the hell is diabetes?

"Don't do that or you might get diabetes". 

In this post I will teach you what it is and what it does to your body.

Like with all of my posts. I am not saying that it is a scientific article. If there are parts of the text that you want to learn more about, go read texts written by doctors. 
I do however know a lot about it and face it basically every day. I believe that the general public are getting a lot of warnings about it, without the information about what it actually is.

Why would you care to avoid something that you don't know what it is? 

I am not intrested in explaining to satisfy doctors. I am just trying to scratch on the surface, creating an intrest for the subject. 
So if you consider some explanations to miss certain things or just not being detailed enough. Go and read on other sites as well. I am translating my thoughts into english which means that I am not fully confident in the language surrounding these medical terms and facts.

This will give you a basic idea about what it is and might give you some motivation to avoid it. Because like with everything in life, to do something - you need the motivation!

What is diabetes?

This is simplified to the point of absurdness because there are so many things on a cellular level at work here. 

Diabetes is a disease that affects your blood and in particular the glucose levels. Your body can't get the glucose out from the bloodstream and into your body. This can lead to serious complications.

  There are two kinds of diabetes. Type 1 and type 2. The type that your lifestyle might give you, is the second one. 

Type 1 is something you will live with forever while the type 2 can be reversed. That is probably why the first part of treatment is to control your diet.

Insulin is the big thing here. Insulin is a hormon that allows the glucose to exit the bloodstream. To simplify it, think of insulin as a key that open the door from the bloodstream.
When having diabetes type 1 you don't have any keys at all. Your body is not producing any insulin.

When having type 2, the keys are working fine at first but as the disease gets worse, the body will need help. At first most people are trying to balance their diet in order to keep the glucose at an okay level.
The next step is to start taking medicine, pills that will help your body produce insulin.
If the disease gets worse, your own production gets too low or even stops completely - you will need to inject insulin.
The people with type 1 diabetes will have to do this from the beginning since they don't produce any of their own.

How to avoid diabetes

Even if you have started to develop type 2 diabetes, you have a chance to get better. When exercising you will help your body to deal with the glucose in your body. 

Obviously the diet is a big part of this. There are a lot of different ideas on this. But according to this official info I am reading right now, these are some of the things that will have a positive impact on your diabetes:

- Fruit
- Vegetables
- Root vegetables
- Fish
- Nuts
- Coffee

Living with diabetes

Since your body won't be able to control your glucose levels - you have to do that manually.
By having routines and be alert on how you feel when high or low in blood sugar, you will be able to live a good life even with diabetes type 1. 

To know your current level of glucose in the blood you will take a drop of blood from the tip of your finger. Then a small machine will measure it, giving you a number.
Then you will decide how much insulin you will need. 

There are many factors weighing in. For example level of activity, diet and what kind of insulin it is. There are some sorts of insuling that is giving a direct effect while some will affect your body over time. 
People that has had diabetes for years are often experts on their own body and how they will handle their insulin.

You will be able to work out and live an active lifestyle with diabetes. You always have to plan ahead though and make sure that you have some candy or such nearby in case you drop too low in blood sugar.
And to know how your body reacts to hard workouts you will need to figure that out - and you will.

You will need to check your blood pressure, take samples of your blood lipids and scan your eyes regurarely to find risk factors that comes with the diabetes.

Consequences of a mistreated diabetes

The fact that you run the risk of getting too low in blood sugar and get unconscious is bad enough. 

If the body has suffered from high glucose levels for a long period of time the veins will get affected. They might get arteriosclerosis, narrower passage for the blood. The things that makes it narrower can also break free and cause a stop in veins causing a stroke (if it is in the brain) or a heart attack.

Since it affects the blood vessels, even the smaller ones are affected and that could lead to these examples:
- Your eyes might get damaged

- Your sensor nerves in the feet and legs might get less effective. So if you have a stone in your shoe and walk around, you might not feel it until you have a big wound. And when having wounds on feet and legs, they will heal really slow since the blood vessels won't transfer blood as efficient. 
It can be bad enough to amputate serious wounds when you have a serious diabetes making healing difficult.

- As a man you might get problems with your erection. Yea guys, the boner is depending on blood flowing to your most precious body part.

- You are getting a higher risk of getting diseases that makes you lose teeth. So make sure to visit the dentist regurarely.

Like with most diseases they are recommending not to smoke. In this case it is because of the increased risk of getting damages on small bloodvessles. And that in turn might cause strokes or heartattacks.

Don't ignore this disease. Life can be unfair and some may not suffer at all by living a crazy lifestyle while some might get it even though they are living a perfectly healthy life.

But give yourself good odds! Even small changes are positive changes, remember that! 

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The Fit Gamer Podcast Episode 16

New episode is out! Episode 16!

During this episode we will cover the news from DreamHack that we missed during the last episode. The drama going on backstage. This involves Twitter and Richard Lewis among other people.
Legendary Counter Strike player SpawN returns and is streaming at Twitch. In CS:GO there is a new weapon which seems to be way overpowered.
League of Legends seems to have some weird changes coming up next season. Making it more difficult for EU in Worlds?


You can listen to the episode in the player above or via the Stitcher banner below. It can also be found on the regular places like iTunes, aCast and other places where podcasts are usually found. This particular episode is not trying to hide from you - go find it!

Listen to Stitcher

High Solo Rank Is Not A Guarentee For Pro Teamplay

Pro Players Don't Necessary Have High Solo Que Rank

Over the years in League of Legends there has been a lot of talk about Solo Que Ranks. Pro players that are dominating the LCS with their teams don't necessary top the solo que rankings. 

Some draw the conclusion that, they are at a higher rank than the pro player - which means they are better than them and should play at worlds etc.

In my opinion Solo Que create a certain type of players. And those players are not necessarily good additions to a team. 

And I am not talking about the top top level now. I mean in general. Solo Que tends to be a lot about winning your lane and if you lose the game, it was never your fault.
If you don't win your lane, it was the lack of good ganks from the jungler. 

Being overly dramatic, that is one way to look at it. The community surrounding League of Legends are really breeding big egos.

When listening to podcasts purely on League of Legends there are questions from listeners about this topic. How come they never climb in the ranks even though they always win their own lanes.
I heard a good answer the other day actually. If you win your lane and have it pushed to their tower. Why don't you leave your lane to help your team get an objective? Or get a kill on the opponents midlaner? 

Let's say that you have 7 kills and that is basically all the kills that your team has. If you don't walk around with your team, they will be free kills for the enemy team. Since most of the power in your team comes from you. 

Let's take an example about the teamplay. I go Shen in top lane. I get an opponent that I will not win against. Do I need the jungler to camp my lane?

I am Shen. I can impact the game a lot without being fed from winning my lane. Surely I can't allow the opponent in top to farm freely for 25 minutes. Keeping the creeps near my turret, farming under the turret will give me experience and gold even though I will get less than my opponent.
My team might gain a bigger advantage if our jungler helps our midlaner or AD-carry to get ahead. Me playing Shen won't carry the game with penta kills either way. I will still be useful to my team with less ganks in my lane. 
Quite the opposite of how a lot of players measure success, since it means losing the lane for the greater good.

Great motivational movie

Great motivational movie

Great movie. 
Don't "kind of want it", if you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe - you will succeed

Most say you want to be successful, but you don't want it more than you want to party. More than you want to sleep! 

Even though it is a bit harsch, there is a lot of truth to it. You need the correct mindset to succeed. You need to be motivated!

Monday, December 7, 2015

Windows 10 First Impression

Windows 10 seems nice but not working properly

So I have been doubting Windows 10 and whether or not it is for me. I have had a few issues with my laptop that runs Windows 7 anyway, so I figured I might just as well upgrade it to Windows 10 and format.

There seems to be a problem to format the computer though. So right now I am just disappointed in this damn operating system. If it is a powerful system, why can't it just reset my damn drives and install Windows 10 again? 

Which is how it is supposed to work...


I managed to get the disc formatted by using the super cleansing formula. Windows 10 is running really smoothly at the moment. But that might just be the empty drives not being full of shit.

I have barely used Windows 8 before. I went straight from Windows 7. That means there is a biiiig difference now. The menus and all was remade a lot going into the Windows 8 and even more so now into the Windows 10.

The short amount of time I spent with the Windows 8 was horrible. This Windows 10, I think is easier for me to understand. It has more similarity with Windows 7. The parts of the 7 that was good. 
Have Microsoft actually managed to release a good version?

Ever since the Internet labeled their Windows NT, Windows Nice Try back around year 2000. Microsoft has not always been popular when releasing their new operating systems. And some made the point that releasing Windows 10 for free would be a way to win a lot of confidence back.

A company as big as Microsoft being friendly. How sweet. But would that really be reason enough? In my point of view, there has to be some way they will get a huge profit from this.

How about the fact that millions over millions of people have already installed the system. By releasing it for free they made sure that they will be the biggest company in this market. And here is the thing that we have spoken about a lot at The Fit Gamer Podcast. 

Xbox is Microsoft. Streaming video games is huge nowadays. If Microsoft controls the world of the PC, they will control the streaming business basically. To manage your stream properly, you basically want a PC to do it on. 

Even though you can stream straight from your PlayStation 4. What if Microsoft shuts Sony out? The PlayStation will not be fully compatible with the PC the way the Xbox will be. Playing their cards right, they can take over the console gaming in a few years.

That was a bit off topic I guess. But offers like these makes you wonder what they are really about. 
The first year is free and then you have to pay for it? 

That is one of the things I have heard. Don't really know how it will work out though. I don't think they can freeze 100 million computers in a year if they don't pay. However, they might stop giving away updates and make some really huge updates available at that point in time.
Having a operating system that you can't update will be a security risk immediately.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

SpawN has returned

The legend is back

And he is showing that he still possesses his aim

When growing up there were no Twitch community with streams available 24/7. When it comes to following the Counter Strike scene, the way I used to follow games were by watching demos. 
To describe them in some way it was a file that you loaded in the game client. From there you could watch the game as a spectator. 

And some websites had the occasional video footage from the tournaments where they would walk around with a video camera. But there was no gameplay in those videos.
The people that was more into the CS scene definitely had other ways to follow the scene better though.

The scene was not as big and did not contain all the big sponsored events with all the money that is involved today. Sweden was early with having professional players though. Back then we had an advantage by having fast and stable Internet connections early on.
There is a swedish documentary actually where they follow NiP as like the first video gamers that could pay their way of life based on the salary from playing video games. So the world was way different that what it means to be a pro gamer today.

NiP and SK were two teams that were rivals. Basically like NiP and Fnatic are now I think. Honestly, I was not 100% into the Counter Strike scene which means I don't know everything about every team.

There are some players that are legends in my book though. One of them is definitely Spawn! 

He was playing in some of the most epic line-ups of Counter Strike history. When looking at his record he has been switching back and fourth between SK and NiP a lot. Which might seem strange since it was the two big teams and they should have been fierce rivals perhaps. 

That is a great statement though. The fact that these two giant teams wanted his services for so many years. For some reason he switched between the teams back and fourth.

Why am I going on about him all of a sudden?
He is streaming on Twitch nowadays. And it was really fun to finally see something from him again. is his channel.

Every now and then I wonder what happened to the old legends. HeatoN have been streaming some and even been on swedish television talking about gaming. But I had not heard about SpawN for a looong time.

Listening to him speak about his role he only played AWP in Inferno and Train back in the days. So he considered himself a AK/M4 player since other players were prio to get the AWP. There are some insane videos when he is spraying with M4. 
He is also considered to have a good pistol game.

He was a great player for the fans because of his style of play. He did not back down from a duel, he would try to out-aim the opponent. And often come out on top!

To me a lot of the memories from that time is when there were maps called CPL-Mill for example. They were supposed to be balanced to fit the pro scene at CPL

Anyway. So when it comes to these CPL, SpawN ended up winning four of those during his career.
When looking back at those days, I am missing the old look on the USP-pistol in particular. And I am just assuming that comes from watching a lot of SpawN since he was  playing great with that weapon. 

If the enemies survived his vicious spray with the M4, you could be certain that he would finish the job with his USP.

Here is a clip where he plays CS GO. 

Here is a video that someone put together from back in the days. It is called "SpawN Living Legend".

I belive it was back in 2008 at DreamHack in Sweden. There was a stand where you could make custom shirts. And for some reason, don't ask me why. That was 7 years ago! 
But I had a shirt made that said something like:

"SpawN - Where U at?"

It was like a really tight T-shirt as well. So, yea. SpawN was one of the players I watched a lot back in the days - apparently enough to make that T-shirt. I knew he was at that event as well.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

What the hell Riot

How is that bug even possible

I just got owned in League of Legends. The game started and all. But instead of going from loading screen into the game I had a crash notice. 

I clicked past that one fast to be able to join the game before the minions are starting to charge towards the turrets.

This time it's loading really well and I enter the game. 

I buy my shit. And clicks the botlane to walk there.

After  a few seconds I look towards the botlane. And wonders where the hell is my champion. 

It is running in midlane. Straight for their base!

So I start to click like a mad man trying to make it move someplace else. I thought I had accidently clicked the minimap when clicking on botlane.

So my character walks straight into the tower and their midlaner gets the kill. 

Then I respawn. And what is happening?

My character starts down the midlane again

I do the only thing I can think of and shuts down the game. Hitting reconnect and then it is back to normal. But I felt that now I have to win the confidence of my team.

Why would they believe my claim that it was a bug?

Looking on google I found forum posts with the same issue. It happened to some poor guy in his Ranked placement match. 

I hope they fix this...

Friday, December 4, 2015

David Beckham has to hurry

Beckham has to find a spot for his arena

When David Beckham signed his contract with the Los Angeles Galaxy in 2007 there was a clause in the contract. He were allowed to create a new MLS team for $25 million. 

That's not coming as a shock to anyone. David left for MLS quite early when he still were a world class player. To me, he has always been a guy with a plan. You know what I mean?

When moving to the U.S, most people assumed that he was going to run a lot of projects and things that he will be able to run after his career as well. Because even though he was actually a world class player. He was so much more. He has been a media icon ever since he married a Victoria, who were famous as well. In case anyone is too young for that and haven't heard, she was a member of a big and famous band called "Spice Girls". 

Back to the current news regarding this...

Major League Soccer commissioner Don Garber are talking publicly about the urgency for Beckham to get his stadium finished soon. If not, he might not be able to get the 24th spot in the MLS.

The piece of land where they had planned to build the stadium is apparently not for sale. There has been talk about some old boatyard near Miami International Airport now as well.

What is wrong?
The David Beckham that used to play himself were not a guy to be satisfied with losing. If he really want to finish this project, I have no doubts that he will do it.

He has been speaking about it, about how frustrating it is with the issues at hand.

Let's hope that it becomes reality! America is such a big country and soccer is growing. They have been playing well in the world championships a few times now and their league can attract some intresting names.

David Beckham, his presence alone would be able to have a huge impact on which players they could sign. And motivating youngsters sharing his great experience from the biggest stages in the world.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Funny FIFA competition in Sweden

Players and Fans compete together in FIFA

This is a wonderful concept that exists in Sweden. In Allsvenskan, the top division of football (soccer) every team will choose one couple that will compete against all other teams in FIFA.

Lets take an example of Malmö FF since they are probably the most famous outside of Sweden right now after Champions League and all. The squad of Malmö FF are having a competition to determine which player is the best at FIFA. 

And I am not kidding. Professional footballers do have a lot of spare time to play video games on. So many of them are quite good I think.

Then the fans are allowed to come to a certain venue to play for the chance to be the partner of their idols in this FIFA tournament that is nationwide. Can you imagine the feeling that supporter must have. Getting the chance to play their (probably?) favorite video game in a 2-man team with one of their real life idols.

So every team does this. And then they start to play each other in a tournament.

In the games that I have seen they are actually playing with their own clubs. So when Gefle faces off against Halmstad it is Gefle vs Halmstad in FIFA

The games are watchable on the biggest football news site in Swedish and there are commentary from professional commentators.

The real league is called Allsvenskan. So this is called, E-Svenskan. They have really understood the value of eSports and this might be the beginning of something really cool in the future. 

Imagine E-Svenskan to be played an entire season where fans can follow the games via streams. There are at least a few years until that will ever happen, but it would be awesome. 

I love eSports, so I would love it!

The video below is from a final of a previous season. The commentary is in Swedish so the audio might not be very entertaining but you might get the idea. Fans cheering and everything. 

Live today but beware of tomorrow

Don't live for tomorrow, but don't ruin the future

This will be a post with the intention of making the people reading this think some things through. I don't say that anything is backed up with specific scientific data. I am simply raising awareness surrounding this.
It might sound like I am some kind of doomsday prophet, saying that life will suck and growing old will make us weak. 
Please read this text with the mindset of how small changes in your everyday life will allow you to avoid these problems.

One thing bothers me. Some people argue saying things like they want to live their life now. Saying that it might end at any time.
Fine. I understand that they don't want to put all their money into their pension and not spend any money at all having fun.
The thing about these people is that they often use these arguments to just eat fast food, party and drink alcohol every weekend and smoking etc while not taking care of their bodies at all.

It will be fine for some time, a few years even. I mean, your body will recover from a lot of abuse. Some people get stuck in that behavior though and still comes with the same arguments. 
And it is not as if I attack their way of living when talking to them. They just defend it spontainously. Like they feel the need to defend their own behavior. 

It is true that you might die at any day. It is pointless to sit around being bored and unhappy in the present. But taking care of your body is not the same thing as living a miserable life.

School is a great example in some ways. When young you don't realize how easy life really is. You basically just have school and you won't lose money over a sick day.

For me, it was like this. I had no motivation to learn certain things. I had not decided what I wanted to do with my grades. I had no dream about what school I wanted to apply to or which job I wanted in the future. 
So my motivation was not there. Motivation is key, and to get that - a goal is great to have. It helps you through meaningless classes since you can see them as a step on the way to your dream. 
To sum the school example up. It can be hard to understand why not to just have fun instead of taking the time to study. Since you don't see the importance of it and rather have fun right now.

What does it mean by living in the now?

Seriously. The simple thing to be able to walk around being at full health is something most of us don't appreciate fully. If breaking both of your legs, being stuck in a wheelchair for weeks. Then people gets that "Wow feeling". They had no idea how great it is to just be normal.
So the people saying that we might die at any time as an excuse, they often forget to value their normal life as something special.

Being forced to wake up at 7 a.m five times a week is a wet dream for a lot of people. People who had accidents and got hurt badly, not being able to work anymore.
Even people that are healthy but unemployed would trade their week days with you without hesitation.

Some part of this is about appreciating life itself. And by appreciating it, you will be more prone to take care of it. Making sure that you will still be healthy like you are now.

You go to work even though you don't feel like it on monday morning. 
Because you want to preserve your lifestyle. Without the income from work, you would not be able to pay for the fun moments in your life. You have a reason for behaving at work, that motivates you!

By finding what would motivate you to do some exercise or changing your diet - it will be easier to do. Because of motivation!

Do I mean that you have to workout 5 times a week?

No, I certainly do not. I am just saying respect yourself, take care of the things you have!
As we grow older, our body will pay the bar tab we built up over the years. And I know that everything is not because of our choices. There are some luck with the genetic lottery involved as well. 
Everyone with lungcancer has not smoked cigarettes for 20 years.
You can get problems with diabetes and cardiovascular diseases without eating poorly.

There are in fact though people that are old but their biological age is basically 20 years younger. And on the other side, there are people in their mid thirties that are forced to eat more medicine than the average 80-year olds.

In my experience, (not facts I have dug out from statistics or anything, this is just to give you a wake up call) when asked about their activity. The healthy elder people have often been living an active lifestyle. Not necessarily going to the gym. It can be things like other hobbies. 
For example walking a dog, tending the garden a lot and stuff like that.
Having an active lifestyle is always a good investment. You just need to find something that gives you a higher quality of life.

If you hate dogs, I don't think getting a dog will make you feel better and have more fun in everyday life. But something that you enjoy, will make you live in the present and enjoying yourself - while doing something that will benefit you in the long run as well.

Don't you get to eat any foods that you like?

This post will not be a nutritional guide in any way. I am simply saying that by doing it completely wrong you will risk medical conditions like diabetes and cardio vascular diseases. 
Some sort of multivitamin is a good way to start. That will give you a good base to avoid any unbalance in your body.
There is a lot of chemistry in our bodies and most of the time it will take care of it all by itself. But a little help is not a bad idea.

In most cases you will notice if you eat too wrong. You will gain a lot of weight. But not everyone is gaining a lot of weight by eating poorly. That does not mean that their bodies aren't affected by the diet. 
They can still be affected in their veins with plaque and such that will increase the risk of having heart problems in the future. 

And the most obvious reasons is that if you become too heavy your body will have to work hard to complete your daily routines. Walking around is hard on your knees for example. 

And when growing older and become weaker or suffering some kind of injury making you unable to use your legs for example - you will have a hard time moving around if you are not strong in the rest of your body. 
Using crutches is not easy if you lack strength in your upper body for example. And being overweight, that extra weight will have to be carried by your arms.

Growing older should be fantastic. The people now that are 65 are not like 65 year olds were 50 years ago. They tend to be more like 50 year olds were back then, healthier. With our medical advancements and some common sense, we have the potential to be healthy and capable of doing fun stuff a long time after retirement.

I think that most people reading this will already be on a good path in life. And if you read this and feel that you lack knowledge about certain parts. Look it up, it might give you some motivation to easier achieve some ultimate goal you have.