Wednesday, December 9, 2015

High Solo Rank Is Not A Guarentee For Pro Teamplay

Pro Players Don't Necessary Have High Solo Que Rank

Over the years in League of Legends there has been a lot of talk about Solo Que Ranks. Pro players that are dominating the LCS with their teams don't necessary top the solo que rankings. 

Some draw the conclusion that, they are at a higher rank than the pro player - which means they are better than them and should play at worlds etc.

In my opinion Solo Que create a certain type of players. And those players are not necessarily good additions to a team. 

And I am not talking about the top top level now. I mean in general. Solo Que tends to be a lot about winning your lane and if you lose the game, it was never your fault.
If you don't win your lane, it was the lack of good ganks from the jungler. 

Being overly dramatic, that is one way to look at it. The community surrounding League of Legends are really breeding big egos.

When listening to podcasts purely on League of Legends there are questions from listeners about this topic. How come they never climb in the ranks even though they always win their own lanes.
I heard a good answer the other day actually. If you win your lane and have it pushed to their tower. Why don't you leave your lane to help your team get an objective? Or get a kill on the opponents midlaner? 

Let's say that you have 7 kills and that is basically all the kills that your team has. If you don't walk around with your team, they will be free kills for the enemy team. Since most of the power in your team comes from you. 

Let's take an example about the teamplay. I go Shen in top lane. I get an opponent that I will not win against. Do I need the jungler to camp my lane?

I am Shen. I can impact the game a lot without being fed from winning my lane. Surely I can't allow the opponent in top to farm freely for 25 minutes. Keeping the creeps near my turret, farming under the turret will give me experience and gold even though I will get less than my opponent.
My team might gain a bigger advantage if our jungler helps our midlaner or AD-carry to get ahead. Me playing Shen won't carry the game with penta kills either way. I will still be useful to my team with less ganks in my lane. 
Quite the opposite of how a lot of players measure success, since it means losing the lane for the greater good.

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