Which parts should I do in the same training session?
This all depends on your rest. Rest is the key for muscle growth. You would like to have at least 72 hours between your workouts for a particular muscle.
That's easy, so I don't do chest too often. How hard was that?
But here is the thing. When you exercise your chest, your triceps are doing some hard work. Which means, that you will have to think about your schedule thoroughly to get the best results.
Another big thing that some people got all wrong. If your muscles feel sore the day after going to the gym. Fine, that's okay. But you should not feel really sore for several days afterwards. Then you are most likely working out harder than your body actually can take at the moment.
When you lift heavy weights. That basically injures your muscles a tiny bit. The outcome is positive though, because when your body repairs the damage it will make the muscle stronger. So this is one reason why protein is a key to all of this, since protein helps your body repair and build up to a higher level than it was at before.
First split - Four days a week
So this is how my schedule might look if I know that I will go to the gym four times a week. And this is primarily if I can rest well in between the sessions.
Day 1 Chest - Triceps
Day 2 Back - Stomache
Day 3 Rest
Day 4 Rest
Day 5 Biceps - Shoulders
Day 6 Legs
Day 7 (like the lord himself, on the seventh day he rested) Rest
This is like how it could look like. The parts that I want to seperate here are back and legs for example. I want a few days between so that my back is ready to lift since I use it when I exercise the legs. That also applies to the biceps since I use the biceps when I lift and pull stuff for my back.
Second split - Four days a week
So here is another one where I go approximately four times a week but when I use this one I will have to do some physical work in between the workout sessions.
Day 1 Chest - Hamstrings
Day 2 Biceps - Shoulders - Quads
Day 3 Rest
Day 4 Triceps + Glutes
Day 5 Back + Calves
Day 6 Rest
Day 7 Rest
Here I seperated my leg day into one part each session. I mean, the day after leg day you don't want to sit down and stand up too much. And if I know that I will have to be agile in my every day life I will split my workout like this to avoid 'the day after leg day'.
Third split - Two times a week
This is me with a packed schedule and there is hard for me to prioritise the gym. I am well aware of the fact that I often preach that there are always time for shorter sessions of training no matter what.
At the same time though. We are all different persons with different ideas of what makes us feel good. So I could either just use one of the schedules above but shorten them down with less exercises or I can use this one below. The most important point is this, it has to be fun! It is on your own terms that you do this. Sure it might not be fun at the last repetition of your heaviest leg exercises but the general idea of going to the gym has to be fun. Otherwise you will just stop going eventually.
First session
Chest - Legs - Shoulders
Second session
Back - Stomache - Triceps - Biceps
Since I only go two times a week the rest between the sessions should not be a problem. Unless I use five straight days for rest and then go to the gym two days straight.
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