The Fit Gamer Podcast Special Ep about Workout, Diet and Motivation
This time we speak only about fitness related stuff. It starts out with me talking about motivation and how important it is. Then the focus moves towards diets and Bas tells you about his crazy plans. You can find it in the player below or via the Stitcher banner. It is also available on iTunes, aCast and other places where podcasts can be found.
It is a mindset of mine that I am using to get a routine going. A routine where I exercise regurarely. Don't I do that shit already?
Yes and no. I have been having problems with long periods of colds and then I have been focusing my energy on being able to work my dayjob.
I am changing the tactic a little bit now however. Even though I am feeling a bit ill, I will still do some training. And I will do this because I refuse to walk around the beach not looking the way I want to look.
By forcing myself to do some form of workout each day, I will enhance my chances.
What is all this about every repetition counts?
I might not perform a full workout every day. But like one of the most true things ever said about training, The best training is the training that is done. It does not matter that you don't do a full, perfect workout. But if you compare it to not doing any exercise at all, every single repetition that you do is great!
So today was one of those days where I got to visit the gym. My cold is feeling a lot better, so I felt like rewarding myself a bit. And rewarding means lift weights!
Squats is really hard on the body, it is exhausting when done correct and with heavy weights. That is great, except when you are feeling a bit ill. So today I focused on having a good form while performing the exercise.
Unfortunately the squat rack was occupied (that almost never happen) in the middle of the day on a tuesday. So I decided to do my squats in a Smith machine. It made the exercise a lot easier since I did not have to spend any energy trying to hold my balance. But on the other hand, it is not the way I prefer to do my squats. It does not feel like the real deal!
I did however do a lot of squats. Since I was working with lower weights I was able to do a lot of them. And just to be clear. I am against this whole thing of doing low weight - many repetitions training. I prefer to lift heavier weights.
It felt good to go really low when doing the squats. The muscles working through the whole motion. The advantages by going deep can be found easily by googling it and reading different articles. There are science supporting everything. Sadly, with the Internet. You can find proof of everything. Just go with the stuff that you feel is right, what makes sense. Have a critical mind when reading things. And the best thing of all really. Find some big name in the business that shares a lot of knowledge. Someone that you can find trustworthy. Hey, you can even ask me and Bas and we will discuss it on the podcast or I can write a blogpost on the subject in case you want me to. I have been around the gym for 13 years, I have done a lot of exercises that I later found not really effective. But when doing that, I have also found the good ones. Like now, I am focusing on learning how to perfect my squats by going deep.
After the squats I walked away over to the deadlift spot. It did not take me long to realize I was in no condition to perform several basic exercises (squat, deadlift, bench press) today. Instead I proceeded to do some shoulder exercises and a little bit of triceps.
All and all a good day at the gym. A short session but when not feeling 100% I don't want to go all out. I am talking about stuff like having a cold, feeling sick. That can lead to severe illness unless handled with care. You can work out, but be smart.
It was on Football Manager 2015 that I realized there were DLCs to buy for the game. Earlier, the thought of DLCs for Football Manager felt alien. Why would there be DLCs for it? Who needed it? Then I looked a bit more on the different content that was available. It was things like "you can not get sacked" and at first I laughed at that one. It is like playing Super Mario not being able to die. But as I thought about the idea of not being able to get sacked, the more I liked it. The times I want to form a club completely the way I want it. It is usually a period where I try to get rid of certain players and a gap until I can get the players I need/develop young players to fill the roles. And then I have to play the game in a way that I don't want to play it, in order to avoid getting sacked. Using this DLC I can play the game, creating the club the way I want to do it. Not in the full career mode, which sucks - but at least in the FM Touch mode. Another thing that it could be good for is to imagine that you or someone that puts his full trust in your manager skills would buy a club. And with the ownership of the club, you can do as you like without getting sacked. Like you can using the DLC. So I did buy the DLC that allows me to play without getting the sack. I am not used to the FM Touch mode, so I am constantly surprised with what features are in it and which are not. There are always opportunities to purchase other DLCs. Like every time my transfer budget is out, they suggest that I buy a DLC that allows me to change that. Or when my players becomes injured, I can purchase a DLC to remove injuries. In some ways it feels like playing a mobile game that are for free, but there are adds all over the game. That sucks a lot. But once I learned where those damn commercial buttons are, I can just ignore them. At first, when I did not know what they was, I had to check it out in order to rule them out as regular content in the FM Touch mode. So like my initial reaction to the DLCs, you can purchase these to make the game easier to play. They can also be used to alter the game after transfer windows, to add the new players into the correct teams (the Editor DLC). There are so many ways to use them. I do however wonder one thing. Why is this not just implemented in the game itself. Is there really such a big part of their earnings that they need to make it DLCs for purchase? The prices are really low, so I don't want to argue saying that they are demanding unreasonable amounts for the DLCs.
So the game where modding is a thing, releases official DLCs that costs money. Won't the content basically be created as mods for free anyway? Some of the new content would be hard to create as a mod. I think it is the "Far Harbor" DLC will be a big one. With new areas, dungeons and equipment for the players. Far Harbor is going to cost somewhere around 25 dollars and be released in May 2016.
There are however DLCs that does not sound as awesome as that one. "Wasteland Workshop" is another DLC, and it is implementing things like Set cages and capture live creatures. Sounds like a Pokemon mod, "gotta catch em all" xD it will be released in April of 2016 and cost around 5 dollars. So it is a cheap DLC at least.
"Automatron" is the third DLC that will come. It is coming in March of 2016 and will cost around 10 dollars. Build and mod your own custom robot companions sounds cool. I don't play the game, but I can see that being a nice thing for the people that do play it. Robots are cool! Apparently you can even choose their voices and paintwork.
On this episode we speak a lot about Street Fighter V and the issues with the release. Discussing the market of beat-em-up as well. Trump vs Apple, some talk about Apple and terrorism. On the workout segment we discuss some things regarding cardio and not losing muscles. It can be found on iTunes, aCast, Stitcher and other places. You can also listen to it in the player below. We have started a page on in case you want to support us. No matter what, we appreciate all the support just by you guys listening and via social media etc. It is basically just a way to support us in case you feel like it. Thanks for listening! Enjoy!
There are a lot of pictures going around the internet joking about squats. Like this picture for example.
And there is a lot of jokes about skipping leg day. And hilarious humor about leg day going around the Internet. Lets get serious from now on. No more pictures of the Joker.
The basic exercises that I am refering to is bench press, deadlift and squats. In the "Gym Exercises" page on this blog you can see detailed information on how they are done.
These power exercises are important to build a good base. Some even consider them to be so superior that they basically only do those. And I can agree that by doing all these exercises, you basically get the entire body activated. Not in the best way though, that is why you do all the other exercises as well. By doing exercises that targets specific smaller muscles, they are growing more.
All the "easier" exercises, targeting smaller parts of your body is important. Strengthening the smaller muscles in the body will allow you to lift heavier weights with less chance of injury.
For the Chest Day I like to start out with the benchpress to be able to lift heavier weights than I would have otherwise. Then I do some other exercises like incline dumbbell press and some kind of flyes movement, in the pec deck or with dumbbells.
When it comes to legs I would definitely suggest starting with squats if you are doing it with free weights. Since it is such a big exercise that demands so much balance that after doing a few tough exercises - you run the risk of injury if you are already tired.
Deadlift is more of an exercise I can throw in during my back day, I don't have to start with it. I would not do any exercise that targets the lower back before I start with deadlift though. Personally I feel that it is my weak point when it comes to the deadlift and the part I feel I might injure if I am already too tired.
So if you are unsure of how to perform the exercises, check out some videos on pro personal trainers doing them. Or ask people working at your gym for help. No questions are dumb. It only shows a drive to learn, to develop your workout routines - and that is respect!
But whatever you do, don't skip them just because you are unsure about how to perform them. I did that mistake for a long time actually. Luckily for me I had played soccer for a lot of years that my legs were well trained automatically. Later on I had to learn all of the basic exercises to workout my legs though. And that was like going back to the basics, being a beginner all over again. So now I am doing squats and hacksquats as a routine in my leg workouts.
You have probably heard about Patreon or even uses it already. It is a place where people can support different artists. Think about it as the donation system on There are so many different people on from people painting, to music artists and podcasters.
In the link above you can find The Fit Gamer Podcast on Patreon and check it out. It is a podcast that is free to listen to, we don't offer anything special in exchange for support at this time. It is simply a way for people that want to do something, to get the chance to do it.
No matter what, we love you guys! Thanks for all the support you are giving us via social media etc.
If you want to listen to the podcast I would recommend iTunes, aCast, Stitcher or check out the Podcast section on this blog where you can listen to every episode.
Feels like an episode of Southpark, one event is certain. Kenny will die. And when it comes to Capcom and Street Fighter V, one thing was always for certain. They would fuck up in some way. And here we are, people who pre-ordered the game a looong time ago can't seem to play it. Their biggest fans!
The issue seems to affect the ones that pre-ordered it in the very early stage. So imagine the feeling, watching all of those streamers playing the game. People who picked up the game near the release or even after the release. And you, who pre-ordered that shit, gets nothing. That is like someone stabbing you in the back while video taping it, allowing you to watch the movie while you bleed out.
It has been 2 days now. Two f-ing days of not being able to play the game you wanted so badly that you game Capcom your money the very first chance you got.
PlayStation Forum Thread about the issues where Play Station are trying to be kind and apologizing about the issues. They say it is Capcoms fault, but from Capcom comes - nothing! Nothing at all.
With all the problems they have been having, since the beta of Street Fighter V, it seems odd that they are so reluctant to inform their customers about the issues.
After the whole mess with the beta. There was a pre-order package and I suppose the biggest fans bought it straight away. Here is the odd part though.
They later released another pre-order package, (Pre-order Deluxe) that had more content. And the people that had already pre-ordered could not change their order and get the better deal.
To me that raises a question, do you hate your fans Capcom?
And the fans won't go away. They will still purchase the product even after all the abuse they are taking on the road to finally getting their new game.
It is probably because Capcom has been around for so long and players have been so used to their kind of games and the legendary game series. And the games are well made, no doubt about that.
But somehow it feels like the fans are taking a beating like someone being beaten in a relationship and they stay in it, thinking that it will stop, they did not mean any harm by it.
Capcom, do you mean any harm by all the bullshit you are throwing at your fans?!
This sounds ridiculous, telling you guys to relax.
But it is so true and so important for your well being. I suppose there are a lot of different names on what it is called, but conditions like being "burned out" is real.
Let's take an example of a male that is 25 years old. He is working hard on his daily job to be able to provide good results and eventually get rewarded for all of his hard work with higher salary etc. He is so focused on the job that he even thinks about what he will do the next day to perfect his projects.
When he is not focused at work he is eating healthy, working out and doing all these things that he believes will be great for him.
It sounds like he has some really nice habits. But if his brain is focused on different stuff like work or how he can eat today to be as perfect as possible - his brain is not allowed to rest. You should try to find some way to just relax. Disconnect all thoughts on the things you need to do in life, all the pressure needs to be lifted from you shoulders at times. If you are reading this blog, there is a chance that you are using video games for that purpose. I can take myself as an example of that. I ain't a kid anymore, I got responsibilities in life. But when I sit down and enter the beautiful world of gaming, I can shut all of the responsibilities out and allow myself to enter this virtual reality. Find your way to relax!
The kids teddybears will freak me the fuck out from now on...
This huge monster sitting at random places in my house, staring at me..
So the game scared me?
Does it mean it is a good game?
It succeeded in what it tried to do I suppose. I think it is a brilliant game!
At first though. I was wondering what the hell I had bought. I started the game and was expecting a menu for a lot of different settings. Not much of that.
So I started the game, expecting to enter the options menu by pressing "escape".
The game shut down! Now I really wondered what the hell this was.. But like I said above. I think it is a brilliant game and I can see why there are no pause button needed. Every session is at maximum 15 minutes long which means you will never have to replay more than 15 minutes in case you have to shut down in the middle of the game.
So the game is basically about surviving the nights as the security guard at a place called "Freddy's". At night these cute maskots becomes living creatures and in their mind, I am breaking the rules. So you basically has to stay away from them, not to get stuffed into one of those costumes. Or if they mistake me for a costume and tries to shove a metal skeleton up my ass.
This game is brilliant. You are based in one room and one room only. You can look through 10 (or something like that) security cameras to check where they are. You only use the mouse and use it for a few things, check cameras, close/open doors and the light switch.
So in means of creating the game, it can be done without having to create these massive worlds of graphical content. So that makes it easier.
By limit yourself to this small enviroment, you will have to do a brilliant work with the atmosphere. Since the player won't wander through the enviroment thinking that the next country will be better made.
This tiny enviroment is it, you won't get to see anything else. And in Five nights at Freddy's, the atmosphere is f-ing brilliant.
The shitty security cameras makes you focus on the screen in order to see anything. So when the jumpscare comes, you are so into the f-ing game that... Well. I did some shouthing and waving with my arms and stuff. There is a super short video on my first real scare but I am working on creating some more content in this post.
Watch some videos on the game if you feel like it is something that might intrest you. If you own a cat, make sure that little furry thing stays away from you while you play. All of a sudden my cat tried to re-decorate my home, wrecked a pile of wooden boxes etc right behind me.
At first I thought it was Freddy that had come for me IRL.
I am recommending it for sure. Bloody brilliant I'd say.
On this episode we talk a lot of gaming stuff. Mostly related to the Steam Lunar sale but also a few other games. XCOM2 too is getting the best of Bas and Roman enjoys it. The Virtual Reality story is moving forward and among other things there is a 360 degree treadmill that you can use for gaming. Does it sound awesome or what?! You can listen to the episode in the player below, find it on iTunes, aCast or Stitcher (via the banner below). Thank you guys for listening. Any feedback is always appreciated. You can write comments on this blog or tweet at us.
Used low tech app to count distance I walk at work
Tried a free app to measure the distance I am covering every day at work. I know it is not something that is perfect. Even so, I would say it hints at the real distance I cover every day.
Turns out I have been hitting 15km on both of the days that I have been using it. It is somehow reacting to the movement that occurs when walking. And I double checked the data and for example riding a bike is not giving any readings on it.
No matter how accurate it is, it is still a lot of calories being burned. And when not thinking about it, trying to control a diet is a waste of time.
When I went from being a student to starting this job my weight fucking crashed. Like extremely. Doing this, I can see exactly why. During my shifts there are not a lot of time to get anything to eat either, which makes it even harder to not lose weight.
So if you are trying to control your diet. Don't forget all the extra calories you are burning while at work or similar activities.
Most people have goals or dreams. I would say that hopefully these are the same thing. Dreams might seem impossible to achieve. Some are. But by going for it, you will at least get closer to your ultimate dream than you were before.
One major thing that everyone needs to remember is this. You are a unique person and your motivation to achieve something needs to come from within you.
The method to achieve those great dreams will need to fit your personality.
Lets take an example. Let's say you'd want to lose some weight. In order to manage to control your diet or make yourself go workout, you need motivation.
One kind of personality is positively affected by having someone yelling at them, pushing them to work out harder etc. Which make them kind of getting motivation from others. But the initial motivation is coming from themselves. They have found their way of getting extra help. I would say that there are not a lot of people that would like having someone screaming at them, yelling at them, telling them what to do. The entire universe is all about having an endless amount of options. So a lot of people wants to feel like they can do whatever they like. Unfortunately that is affecting things like diets and exercise. If opportunity presents itself, people want to eat desserts etc. And by living in an enviroment like that, a lot of people will struggle trying to keep any kind of diet. They simply want the freedom to eat whatever dessert they want to. Some would call that weakness, lack of character. Not being able to resist. To the people that have those problems I have something that might set things in motion. Lets try tell such a person this. Prove me wrong! Show me that it is not lack of character or signs of weakness. No guarentee that it will work. But some people would react to that and be determined to prove me wrong. However, you better know the person you are telling that, if they are not that person - they will most likely be offended. The path that most people will have to take is probably the one I will describe below. Step by step, little by little... If we talk about the diet now. People who eat a lot of sugar, might struggle to cut that part of their diet out completely. By quitting straight away, they feel so bad that they simply give it all up. If that is the case, there is no point in going all out straight away. Because it will most likely fail this time too. But if they start step by step, they will give their bodies a chance to get used to less and less sugar. Drinking soda every day? Start by drinking just one glass, then only drink soda every other day, then next step is weekends only. By doing it like that the body will get used to you lowering the daily amount of sugar. Findseveral strong reasons why you want to achieve something Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to get bigger muscles? Whatever it is that you want deep down. For every reason to do it, there is a bigger chance of you succeeding. But don't get me wrong. It is not like quit eating sugar is going to be easy just because it is important to avoid obesity or diabetes. Those are not two valid reasons in this case. The reasons to succeed at something must come from within yourself. Unless you feel that you want to avoid diabetes it does not matter how much people around you keep nagging you about it. It will not help unless you grow those feelings yourself. Get educated Some things that you really fancy eating might be low in calories, some things that you hate and eat just because you think it is healty - might actually be pure shit. So by reading up on your favorite dishes, you might get a huge advantage.
Like now I get the choice between extra sleep or going to the gym
It is a tough one sometimes. Until I think about it. Even when I don't feel like I really want to go to the gym and lift heavy ass weights, the effect of the training is something I want. February is here, soon it is summer - and I want to look my best on the beach! What do you think about for motivation? What drives you out of bed and to the gym when you really don't feel like it? We all need to find that secret thing that will drive us to the gym even when we don't want to.
H1Z1: Just Survive and H1Z1: King of the Kill That is actually something that I was hoping for. They should seperate the two game modes in order to perfect them both. And now that will happen, why am I so upset? I hate being lied to. And this right here, is bullshit. We saw a similar situation with the PayDay community. The developers decided to make PayDay2 pay-to-win all of a sudden via microtransactions. They got the community against them and in order to save face they went out and apologized and changed the game a bit to please the gamers. And that was the only thing to do. The only reason they are making money on their games is because of the gamers, so pay attention developers out there. Keep the gamers satisfied. Do not, I repeat, Do Not Feed Them Bullshit! And what H1Z1 just did is exactly that. I will take it from the beginning. When H1Z1 was released an Early Access title it cost money to play it. But the developers stated that when the final version of the game would get released, it would be free-to-play. By saying that a lot of people simply did not buy the early access, because they would eventually get it for free. And some people, including myself, bought the game thinking it would help the developers out with creating great content for the full release. I guess it is like this. Ever since someone made that statement, that it would be released for free. They have been furious with the idea about releasing it for free in the end. Since the game became so popular through Twitch streams. Now they saw an opportunity. By dividing it into two games. The game H1Z1 will not exist anymore, which means they won't break their promise to the public. But now they will charge us for the game! And if you want to play both game modes, you will have to pay for them both! So not only did they not make it free to play, they are charging us double! (Not me, I already purchased it. Which means I will get both games for free. So my anger is not because a few dollars, it is the fact that they are bullshitting us). If they pull this shit on us now. What would stop them from doing shit like this in the future? Will the game become totally pay-to-win? Will they stop updating the content all of a sudden unless the gamers purchase an expensive expansion? People that has read my blog or listened to The Fit Gamer Podcast might have heard me talk about this game in a very positive way. Not anymore though. There are so many games out there to choose from. I would rather spend my time learning a game where I do not expect the developers to eventually fuck me. I would dare to say this as well. The community surrounding H1Z1 and the Twitch streaming service have been doing all the commercials for the game. The developers have gotten a lot of that for free, helped out by the fans. And this is the thank you? Here is a link to their own official website where they tell us about the "fantastic" news about the split into two seperate games H1Z1 website
Fucking amazing! Great to have a normal episode again. On this episode we start out with the latest news surrounding vitamins and supplements. The New York times among others have been doing a huge thing about the industry. The documentary can be found Here and the article from The New York Times Here. There are of course some general talk on gaming and today we discuss mostly the XCOM-series and a bit about The Division. Then there are a lot of conspiracy theories regarding the oil and what affects that might have on our future. And that subject goes straight into the movie segment this week, the new X-files series is out! And I love it! You can listen to the episode in the player below or using the banner to Stitcher. It is also available on iTunes and aCast as usual. Enjoy the show and thank you for listening!