Friday, February 12, 2016

Find out who you are

To achieve your goals, you need to know yourself

Most people have goals or dreams. I would say that hopefully these are the same thing. Dreams might seem impossible to achieve. Some are. But by going for it, you will at least get closer to your ultimate dream than you were before.

One major thing that everyone needs to remember is this. You are a unique person and your motivation to achieve something needs to come from within you
The method to achieve those great dreams will need to fit your personality. 

Lets take an example. Let's say you'd want to lose some weight. In order to manage to control your diet or make yourself go workout, you need motivation

One kind of personality is positively affected by having someone yelling at them, pushing them to work out harder etc. Which make them kind of getting motivation from others. But the initial motivation is coming from themselves. They have found their way of getting extra help.

I would say that there are not a lot of people that would like having someone screaming at them, yelling at them, telling them what to do. The entire universe is all about having an endless amount of options. So a lot of people wants to feel like they can do whatever they like. 

Unfortunately that is affecting things like diets and exercise. If opportunity presents itself, people want to eat desserts etc. And by living in an enviroment like that, a lot of people will struggle trying to keep any kind of diet. They simply want the freedom to eat whatever dessert they want to.

Some would call that weakness, lack of character. Not being able to resist. To the people that have those problems I have something that might set things in motion. Lets try tell such a person this.

Prove me wrong! Show me that it is not lack of character or signs of weakness.

No guarentee that it will work. But some people would react to that and be determined to prove me wrong. However, you better know the person you are telling that, if they are not that person - they will most likely be offended.

The path that most people will have to take is probably the one I will describe below. 

Step by step, little by little...
If we talk about the diet now. People who eat a lot of sugar, might struggle to cut that part of their diet out completely. By quitting straight away, they feel so bad that they simply give it all up. 
If that is the case, there is no point in going all out straight away. Because it will most likely fail this time too. But if they start step by step, they will give their bodies a chance to get used to less and less sugar. 

Drinking soda every day? Start by drinking just one glass, then only drink soda every other day, then next step is weekends only. By doing it like that the body will get used to you lowering the daily amount of sugar.

Find several strong reasons why you want to achieve something
Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to get bigger muscles? Whatever it is that you want deep down. For every reason to do it, there is a bigger chance of you succeeding. But don't get me wrong. It is not like quit eating sugar is going to be easy just because it is important to avoid obesity or diabetes. 
Those are not two valid reasons in this case. The reasons to succeed at something must come from within yourself. Unless you feel that you want to avoid diabetes it does not matter how much people around you keep nagging you about it. It will not help unless you grow those feelings yourself.

Get educated
Some things that you really fancy eating might be low in calories, some things that you hate and eat just because you think it is healty - might actually be pure shit. So by reading up on your favorite dishes, you might get a huge advantage.

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