Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Knee Deep

I played a demo, for Knee Deep

I noticed a game via Twitter a few days ago. I noticed that there was a playable demo on Steam. And the text about the game made me intrested. 
Today I finally downloaded the demo and tried it out. I haven't played more than 15 minutes so far. But this post is not a full review, it is simply a short text about the style of the game "knee deep"

It starts out at the theatre. You sit in the audience and the curtains are shut. Soon the show starts. And the game takes place in a play enviroment. A theatre play!

And exactly like in a real play. When the enviroments shift, there are some work being done when you get to see the stage shifting from one scene to the next. 

It is a really cool way of playing a video game. This whole storytelling thing has been done before. But I have never played a game that is set in the theatre. So that is innovative by the developers.

It is like watching a play while directing it in some ways. You get to decide how the actor reacts to events happening. 

The graphics is charming. Not trying to look as authentic as possible. I like the style that they went for. Capturing moods with shadows etc. You can see some screenshots in the Steam store.

Like I said above, I haven't played many minutes yet. But I find this style to be really cool and I look forward to see what content this demo has in store for me.

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