Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Having a dream

Having a dream and going for it..

During the past thirteen years I have been visiting the local gym, on a quest to become satisfied. Which luckily, I am. I am aware that it is dangerous to say that you are satisfied. That implies that you do not want to improve any further. That is wrong.


ALWAYS be satisfied. But you should always have a dream. While fighting to achieve that dream you should set up a few goals that when you reach them, they give you a reciept that you are moving towards that big dream.

Reach for the stars and you will at least reach the moon. That is a saying that is very true. Let´s say that your big dream was to become Mr. Universe. Even if you never won that competition it is quite clear that you, compared to the rest of human kind, will be extremely good looking. Every year you will be the beast on the beach when the shirts are coming off.
Your hard work is never done in vain. You will get a lot of positives from them. To show commitment, to fight for a dream. That is something that will give you character.

When you have a big dream you can´t spend every hour of every day for the rest of you life trying to achieve it. There will be days or even weeks or months when you will lay that aside. However, that does not mean that you have to give it up.

Having a dream is what makes us keep going even when there are hard times. Hard work will seem fun and easy when you see that big dream at the horizon.
Like passing checkpoints in a race you will reach your goals that proves to yourself that you are getting closer to your dream.

Anyone gives you shit for pursuing a dream? Well, fuck em! They are just jealous because you have found your dream and are going for it while they can´t seem to find anything worth fighting for in their pitiful lives.

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