Monday, June 22, 2015

I do not have time to exercise..

The issue of lacking time for exercise...

Before I write this text I would like to say that my mind function in the exact same way like the problem I am addressing in this text. I do not attack people I believe is lazy, I am just trying to put words to the thoughts most people have. And by reading this text they might think of it in times when they don´t feel like going to the gym.
And if this text serves its purpose, they will think rationally and get some exercise done. If that happens even once, the work of writing this text has been worth it!

You often hear people saying that they don´t have the time to go to the gym. I can´t speak for everyone, of course. But most people however, they DO have the time to get some exercise done. 
Lets say they would like to get to the gym for an hour, three times a week. Every day have 24 hours, with seven days that will give you (24 x 7) 168 hours to work with.

Of those 168 hours you should be able to spend 3 of them on working out. If life is really hectic, planning is one way to save a lot of time. Let´s say that you have to drive home from work, do some grocery shopping, some cleaning and you want to get that one hour of work out done. 
Is it a long drive from your home to your work and other activities? 
Try going to the gym after or before work. That way you don´t risk getting caught in the classic trap of getting home, sitting down in the couch and feeling drained of energy. The hardest part is often getting off that couch and get to the gym (or into the running tracks if that is what you are going to do). 

If you have less than 15 minutes of travel to the gym you should not blame the distance. Sure it will take you 30 minutes back and forth. And you have to take a shower afterwards. That will add a few extra minutes. 
So one hour at the gym equals 1 hour training, 30 minutes of commuting and a shower. If you do it twice a week instead of three times. You are just spending 3 hours in total on your gym activities (plus the showers) but two times is a hell of a lot more than zero.

And every damn minute spent on exercise is counting. You can spend 20 minutes every day at home doing situps, pushups  or any equipment you have. That way you won´t have to pay for the gym card and there would be no time spent on traveling back and forth. During some periods in life that will be the best way for many people to deal with the issue to find time for exercise.

If you have kids it is easier to decide to skip the exercise. You tell yourself that you don´t want to leave the kids. Well, try to exercise at home when the kids can participate or watch you work out. If they are not teenagers they will probably just think it is fun. You will get a few laughs out of it yourself as well. When young children tries to copy your moves, whether it is situps, pushups or kettlebells - the chance is pretty high you will laugh pretty hard!

And lets be honest. Kids today are not going to suffer from getting some exercise. And if everything else fails, get one of those video games consols that involves moving around in front of the TV. That will make your kids love you, and you will cry, sweat and look stupid as hell while trying to bowl or compete in the olympics in front of your TV!

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