He constantly says: "I'm getting too old for this shit!"
When I feel like that it is because some games demands me to play actively and farm stuff during different periods of time. So I guess that the number of games that I can play nowadays is limited since each games usually requires a certain amount of online time to keep a rank or just not to slack and just drop in my skill level.
Other times is for example when the chat in League of Legends just go too ridiculous. It is a quite toxic enviroment and before you learn not to get bothered by the constant spam it really makes me feel like "I'm getting too old for this shit!".
But generally speaking. GAMING IS AWESOME AND I LOVE IT! I grew up with that shit, the need for gaming does not disappear all of a sudden just because you get older and you have kids of your own.
I guess the sort of games I am playing now are a little bit different from what I used to play. First of all I do not play any MMORPGs since they take way too much time. And competitive like I am about everything, I would never like to play a game and never have a chance to be good at it. And those games requires time, time to farm, time to go dungeons etc.
MOBA games are quite good since the length of the games are often quite short. However offline games are of course the ones best suited for me at this time. Football Manager where I can just walk away from the game for hours and it will be there waiting for me when I get back. Hearthstone is another great game to play, although it is honestly not my kind of game.
Counter Strike is as good as it ever was at the moment. Since CS 1.6 I have not played a lot of Counter Strike but now I am back into it. It is fantastic how the skill is still okay. The new maps is like a big thorn up my ass though. Even the good old maps are a bit different. They wanted to make Global Offensive to something new I suppose.
By the way, if you haven´t seen the Lethal Weapon series. I recommend that you take a look at it. The firsts three movies might be a bit old but the fourth one is with Jet Li and is a bit different in some ways.
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