Tuesday, July 21, 2015

What about triceps?

In the latest episode of "The Fit Gamer Podcast" the topic of discussion was triceps at one point. The fact that the triceps more or less is two thirds of your upper arm is reason enough to spend time at the gym to make it grow!

All the pushing exercises that you perform while training chest is also hitting your triceps. Even so, you should spend time doing exercises that are aimed at your triceps. We want big arms!
So which exercises do I use to hit the triceps?

- Barbell Close Grip Bench Press http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/Triceps/BBCloseGripBenchPress.html
- Cable Pushdown http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/Triceps/CBPushdown.html
- Cable Pushdown with a rope
- Dips http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/Triceps/ASTriDip.html

Hit the links to see a video of how the exercises is executed. I actually did this routine a few days ago. 
I started out at the bench press. As warm up I did loads of lightweight sets, alternating between close grip and a wider grip. I also did the wider grip to get my chest muscles fired up.

Even though I am primarily going for the triceps during this session, I will still be using a lot of my chest muscles. Eventually I was done warming up and I started to add some weights to the barbell. I increased the weight each set until it started to get too heavy, then I started to remove weights after each set instead. Since I gradually went heavier my muscles got warm and prepared for the heavy weights, to avoid injury. And after I had done the heaviest set I went for more sets but with lesser weight to really make those triceps work hard!

This is really the only exercise I do that requires proper balance and where I risk injury. Because of that I felt that I could go almost to failure since this exercise is so good for the triceps and I wanted to get as much as I possibly could from it.

After I was done with that one I walked over to the cable cross. Since it was me, I started to play around and did a few chins before I went on to preparing the machine for my pushdowns. 
If I were to go to the gym five times a week I would not play around very much between the sets, but since I am not working out that frequently I can do some random back exercises without ruining my back day.
I prefer to switch between the rope and the normal pushdowns which means I set up them both at the same time. The advantages of the cable cross is that there are two identical sides.

After these two exercises I have a nice pump going on in my triceps. There are however a machine that is similar to dips. I usually like to use that one as a final exercise to be able to really get that last energy out of the triceps.

And since I am not going to the gym as frequent as I would like to I did some hacksquat as well during this session. I feel there are advantages to split the leg training into several different sessions to avoid feeling too much pain when moving the days after the workout session. Especially when your everyday life demands you to jump up and down etc, you do not want to be really sore from leg day.

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