Monday, September 14, 2015

Ranked 5v5 LoL

Playing with friends, why not play ranked

So I do not play a lot of League of Legends nowadays. I want to try so many different games and the time to play enough hours of LoL to be really good at it is just not there.
That does not however remove my need to play with some competitive angle the few hours I actually do play the game. And instead of just playing casual blind pick games I can play ranked 5v5 with my friends.
If some of us are aiming for high ranks in solo que their rank does not get effected by playing these games. And we don't get to play with trolls in our team and since it is a 5 man premade that we face we usually get proper opponents as well.
It is a win-win situation for me. When there is some competitive angle to it, you just don't give up. We were hopelessly behind the other day but grinded it out and in the end game we crushed them completely. Stuff like that can make me happy just thinking about it when I am at work or whatever.

I can't explain why but I enjoy playing Shen for some reason. Guess I like being able to push a lane and then use 'R' to come in to rescue my team. A great way to split push and still being sort of 5v5 in the upcoming fight.
The mobility is great as well. Jumping over walls with 'E'.

However, when I play LoL I usually just pick up whatever role is left when the other players have decided which ones suit them best. I am not pro but I am versatile and can do OK in any position. Having played the game since it was released have its advantages. 

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