NA LCS Summer Split Finals TSM vs CLG
It is not always that I find the time to watch events live or even soon after they are done. Sometimes there are a lot of events going on at the same time which means I have to choose.
For some reason I had not seen the finals in League of Legends between Team SoloMid and Counter Logic Gaming.
Watch it Here!
Watch it Here!
So today I did. I was looking forward to watch it. These two teams are really big within this scene. From the very beginning they were there. And TSM has always come out on top in the tournaments and stuff if I understood it correctly. CLG has never won anything this big before at least, that is a fact!
So a big congratulations to CLG! This was the biggest win for their entire organisation. That explains how huge this win was. And against TSM as well. The rivalry goes way back. And I think it is a good rivalry that pushes the players to train harder and play better. That is positive for us, the fans. Because we love to see big matches and this was a major event. The audience were cheering like crazy!
And the arena, Madison Square Garden. For E-sports? Amazing!
So CLG won three straight games. And I was impressed by their performance. Some specific things I noticed was how powerful Yasou can be. And on the other hand, there were games in this final where Yasou were not as effective. But damn that character can chop stuff into pieces. CLG were very effective with him while they were very good at stopping him when TSM played a comp with Yasou.
Kogmaw was great to see. The memories from way back, playing Kogmaw came back to me. And it is happy memories. Kogmaw really made some nice moves during this final as well. When he has mana he is really powerful.
When talking about AD carries. Jinx handled by DoubleLift was amazing in some sequences. If I remember correctly he got a Pentakill as well. That fight looked like TSM was about to turn around and win but then all of a sudden Penta kill covered the screen and DoubleLift came out victorious!
Victor is another champion that I enjoyed wathing during the finals. There were some impressive moments when Victor caught several enemies in his path dealing tons of damage! Like a certain commentator would have said.
A support that I haven't really played or seen very much of is Braum. I have always been intrigued by the things I have seen. But during this final I got amazed. I have to buy that champion. That shield!
And then we get to the last champion I felt I had to mention. Gragas. I kind of don't like melee AP champions because I think it is a pain to last hit. I feel like I just take all the harass in the forehead.
But the way that ultimate can change the outcome of a team fight. Maybe it is worth a shot at playing him myself sometimes.
Was it ever exciting or did CLG just run TSM over?
Nah it was not always a certain victory. TSM did make some comebacks but CLG managed to turn it around again. It was cool to see the amount of tactics involved. At one point the teams were standing around Baron for 2-3 minutes fighting for position back and forth.
The level that these guys play at is like from another world, from my point of view. Surely players that have a high rank can think that they are close to these guys. I however, just sit back and enjoy watching these guys blow my mind.
The synergy is amazing. The hours they have been playing together, practicing, getting the timings right etc. This is not just some fun and games, playing a stupid video game. This is well deserved attention and congratulations once again!
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