So I run now, and competitively?!
Hell no!
There is a race though. Or whatever you call it when you run. Perhaps not a race?
I don't normally run. And when I do I run like max 5 km and it is in terrain that is soft for my body. This damn race. It is on tarmac! And 10 km!
So first of all. I have to make sure I can run 10 km and be able to compete with the other people just because I hate losing! So even if I should not keep up I will use the last strength left in my body to just increase the speed. I get to suffer for that the next few days.
The damn demon inside me awakens when there is a competition.
So what the hell is up with this shit?
I can't even say that I was challenged into doing this. I guess my inner competitive self created this. I saw someone entering a race and I just felt that I can do that!
The ramble below regarding risks of injury or the ways my body works are not some medical facts in some way. It is a way for me to describe the way I feel my body respond to certain things. But I do seriously believe that our bodies are exceptional when it comes to adapting into the kind of activities that we do often.
Running is potentially dangerous training for your knees. People that are running very often and are training tecnique and stuff are not the ones that should worry the most.
However I do not run very often. My legs are not used to the constant stress that running means. I know I do not have anywhere near the perfect tecnique. And if you don't have a good running tecnique you risk injury. I read somewhere how it was compared to a car and its engine. If the engine is not working properly it will break down eventually. Our knees are full with so many different parts that can take damage if we stress it the wrong way. Take the meniscus for example. It is one of the things that is trying to provide stability to the knee and stressed too heavily it will sustain damage.
Basically I have been spending the last 12 years going to the gym to exercise my legs. At the gym I do sets of maybe 12 repetitions then I rest. That is no way near the same stress that running for an hour straight is. So point is, running long distances is not something my leg muscles are used to.
The purpose I have when I go for a run is to be able to run a shorter distance fast, a few kilometres is enough.
(And I claim that the bursts I am mentioning below is because my body has gotten used to the gym exercises. Different sets of heavy lifting where I use my energy over a minute or so and then I rest).
When I am out running, I feel that my energy comes in bursts. Especially when I approach a hill. It feels like my legs are telling me that finally they will have to work harder, heavier - like in the gym.
All the nonsense, same speed, legs just moves the same way all the time seems to bore them.
So I get some sort of energy rush. Like today. It was fucking insane. I had been running longer than I have in a looong time. A few years even. I was closing in on like 8 km and I was approaching this hill that people usually complains about.
So I just started to swing my arms to get the help that the people doing 100 metre races do. And the hill felt like nothing. It was easier than running on the level fucking ground. So I reach the top and I felt like I wanted to raise my arms in the air screaming like a fucking boss! If you ask me, that was one of those energy bursts that I used. And since I love going to the gym. Swinging my arms with force, I felt the mental boost that I get from using my arms to lift heavy stuff at the gym. Now it helped me to run faster, I felt strong and nothing could stop me. Definitely not this hill!
Funnily enough. The injury I most often get when I am out running in cold weather is that I strain my shoulders. Since I am running and my legs are all warmed up my legs are fine. But my shoulders are not warm at all, and I keep forgetting that. So when I approach a hill and I get that energy surge and starts to swing away with my arms to sprint up the hill, my cold shoulders starts to hurt.
So I ran almost 10 km today at least. Going slow the first 5 km then started to speed up. My main goal was to allowing my legs to get used to the tarmac. It is less than a month until I run this damn race.
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