Thursday, March 10, 2016

xPeke - Return of the king

The legacy of xPeke

Some get famous on the eSports scene because they are unbeatable players. Some get famous because they have a crazy personality. When xPeke became big, he was unique. Not completely alone, but there were not that many that would be in the same cathegory.

He was a leader ingame. He called the shots. He ruled midlane. And when using Youtube, you can find some hilarious videos. This guy was one of the founders of the huge scene that we see today im League of Legends basically. He played Season 1 and won it! 

Below there is a video with some random clips of xPeke from his early days when he played with Fnatic.

And one of the cool moves that he was famous for was the backdoor finishes. One amazing backdoor is in the video below. In a big game and you can tell from the players reactions that this is some amazing shit right there!

And when it comes to other characters similar to him back in those days. In the video below you can see Ocelote as one of the opponents. He was another one of these players that also entertained the audience. But this post is about xPeke.

xPeke did what a lot of other players should have done. He decided to create something that would keep him busy for (hopefully) as long as he wants to, maybe the rest of his life. 
He left Fnatic and started a team of his own together with his former teammate soAz, Origen
But that is not the smart move, the smart move was when he retired from playing himself and went into the world of business. When at the top of the career. He made sure that he would not just fade away from the scene. He did the smart thing and made sure that he would have a career that would last longer than the 5-10 years that most gaming careers last.

And he had proved in interviews that he really had the people skills to manage his own team. There are a number of hilarious interviews with xPeke. 

A few people have done similar things before. In the North American LCS teams like CLG and TSM had HotShot_GG and Reginald doing the same thing. 
They started out as players and made themselves huge names within the eSports scene and then went into the world of business. They even tried to do both at first but realized quickly that it was not possible to perform at the top top level and at the same time book the flights for the team etc.

Now, today actually xPeke is returning! He is back! When one of the players of Origen became sick and there was a weekend of LCS coming up. xPeke decided to step up and sign himself up as the midlaner for the event.

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