Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Romans dieting supplements

Roman on what kind of dieting supplements he has used

The products I mention in this post is probably not around anymore, at least not with the same formula. As time goes by, substances are changed or banned away even. 

What I am saying is that the supplement sold today with the same name might not be what I am referring to. So don't take this post as a guide to what supplements to get, just hop on the journey I made from apple cider vinegar to stronger stimulants.

Apple cider vinegar capsules (I believe that is the correct translation from swedish) was the first supplement I ever got to help with weight loss and hunger. I just happened to see it in the supermarkets shelf with different vitamins and dietary supplements. It said on the bottle that it would reduce the feelings of hunger. 
And that was ideal for me at the time. I wanted some way to make it easier to control my diet. When working out, the body told me that it needed calories, which made me hungry all the time.

The amount of supplements on the market is ridiculous.

So I used it for a few weeks. It was great. I bet that the effect was mainly in my head, placebo. Since I knew I ate those, my mind did believe that it would not feel hunger as much - so I did not feel the same hunger. 

At this time I was surfing the web for different workout forums and web stores that sold supplements. I quickly discovered that the market for these supplements were huge. Of course I had to try some supplements! 

LEAN including green tea (I think it was) and caffeine was probably my next step. I remember using those for quite some time. The dose could be anything from 1/day to 6/day on the bottle I think. So I ended up eating a lot of those to get that feeling of energy flowing through the body (the caffeine) and at the same time I could go without eating for long periods of time. 

At the same time as I ate these I ate Omega 3 and vitamins as well. That meant a lot of pills to swallow each day. And since I used it for keeping my hunger in check it was probably not the best thing to take so many pills on an empty stomach. 

I believe it was after the LEAN pills that I tried some brand called StimulantX. Those were a lot stronger which meant that I never had to swallow as many pills. The StimulantX ones were really effective like I said. 

This supplement were not really made for keeping hunger in check I suppose. But since it provided a lot of energy it would allow me to still have energy even though I had not eaten a lot during the day.
And taking too many on an empty stomach was really a bad idea. But hey, I was young and I did not know better. If you are reading this text, you might learn a thing or two about not making the same mistakes. 

As the years went by I started to take less and less supplements. I started to feel that most of the brands were really similar and expensive. Since I get such good response from caffeine, which is really cheap, I don't need anything else.

I am talking about the time when I started a family and other things in life took over my time and energy. 

A little bit off topic since it is not really something to control the hunger, but a few sentences won't ruin the entire text.

However, one supplement that I am still using a lot is the caffeine pills. If I were to play with the thought that I did not have a family to spend time with I would definitely use more supplements in order to motivate myself a lot more during my visits to the gym.

Even though I consider it to be a lot of placebo effect. I love that placebo effect during my workouts. The feeling after I take a pre-workout shake. On the way to the gym my body starts to itch, the energy wants to burst out from my muscles just from walking to the gym. Excitement!

I am not saying that all supplements are placebo. I am saying that personally, the boost my mind gets from having taken a product is more important that which product it actually is.

When it comes to caffeine, I feel that my body responds really well to it. From talking to a lot of people regarding caffeine, it seems that we all react differently to the substance. I for one, is very affected by it. Hell, I can keep a dance floor going all by myself from just taking caffeine. While some people are not very affected by it. 

Why would I need supplements for losing weight?

Is is not better just not eating as much?

Well. To a certain (but small) extent. Supplements like caffeine that gets your heart going a bit faster will give you a few more calories burnt I suppose. 

The main reason would be this though. When eating less, I need the energy from some source. That source can be sleep. But if I have to work, take care of a family or just simply have a normal life while I am losing weight. I prefer to get some energy from a source like caffeine. It helps me keep going without the energy from those calories that I am not eating.

During this period I managed to control my weight really well. I could get sloppy at times and gain weight but I always knew how to lose it again. Not that I always had to have supplements to do that, I had learned how my body works and what I have to do to lose weight.

But this was my way of getting to know my body and my limitations. If I were to try to lose a lot of weight now, I would probably just go with the caffeine. But all those products that I have used over the years, not all of them mentioned in this post, were probably something that made me the person I am today. 

If I had not tried them, would I have succeeded? Who knows. The success and extra motivation I found from that made me more intrested in the gym world and everything surrounding it. 

If you are not an adult I would however not suggest taking supplements that is not recommended for your age. Since your body is developing and growing as much as it is already, it may not be necessary or even healthy to use certain supplements.
In all honesty, I did not start taking a whole lot of different supplements until I was 18 and free to buy everything myself. 

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