Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Ranked League of Legends

Ranked League of Legends

So I started to play my placement matches in solo que. In a week or so the season ends and it would be nice with a rank coming into next season. 
And I have to check it out. A looong time I played solo que ranked. 
Is it serious matches? I mean, are there people who rage quits or just go AFK in protest of their role in the team?

So this is the way to play competitively in LoL. The big question is not really concerning the gameplay. Is these competitive matches full of bitter losers just-flaming-for-no-reason-players?
Yeah, it is sad. Not even in a ranked game people try to encourage teammates to play better, instead they just go wild with bad language. 

I Hate That! Mute Mute Mute. Mute is a fantastic option in this game. Just a click with your mouse and you won't have to endure the bullshit of certain players.

Yes. I do understand that people who play League of Legends are not generally evil. It is just the fact that with one or two of these in the game where 10 players participate makes the entire game experience a bad one.

So here it is, last night I played a ranked game and everyone on my team were nice and polite from the start in champion select. I have never won a game as easily as that one. I don't think that would have been the case if people would have started to flame each other for small mistakes. And mistakes were made in the early game. But the friendly atmosphere made us all work together and not getting in each others faces.

I firmly believe that what they say ingame is true. On a loading screen Riot have information saying that players reported for bad behaviour are less likely to win matches.

Gameplay any different in solo que? When playing normal with draft pick I have not seen any difference in picks and bans. Hopefully people will be a bit more serious with their picks, going with champions they can handle well. 

I have played 8 matches so far I believe. At first I started out as a support in two games. Instantly I got two losses.
Then I started to look for roles where I could affect the game more. Maybe people are right, in low level ranked - you have to carry the game yourself!
Anyhow, 5 wins and 3 defeats I believe I have at the moment. I actually won a game as support as well. I chose Shen however which made it possible for me to influence the game by doing plays with my ultimate and my dash. 

Ranked 3v3 or 5v5 is a whole other thing though. You have your team, no random player that might decide to go feed n' leave.
You can decide roles in advance, play compositions that you have prepared in advance. And you can say to each other like, "remember that game, lets go for the same plays".

New shit is coming though

We will be able to play soloque with a full squad of 5 friends! And we will all get our individual ranks. To be able to do that though we need to have the same rank or there about at least. 
I haven't read it fully yet but I am taking it all out in advance. So if this turns out not to be totally correct, you have been warned! If I understood it correctly you will be able to play the solo que as you were with duo que but with any number of premade. 
The match making engine will try to give you opponents that has the same sort of mix. Something like a 95% chance that if you are 5 man premade that you will face another 5 man premade.

So how do you make sure to be able to play with your friends? I suggest that you play the placement matches together. That way you should end up in the same league. And if there are differences depending on your score in the games it should not differ too much between your ranks after the placements are done.

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