Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Supplement for Gamers

There are supplement for Gamers

In the business of workout suppliments there are products called things like "Gamer". I don't know how big it is in other countries, but in Sweden there have been some talk about this. 

Since it is marketed on sites that normally attracts people from the fitness industry, it can seem odd to a lot of people seeing the product when they are browsing their usual webstore. This particular product that I noticed got commented as early as 2009 on forums. Which means that the product itself is not very new. 

The ones commenting on it were probably these old gym rats who has not really grown up with the whole gaming thing. And some were trashing it pretty hard saying that by putting the lable gaming on the product, they can charge a lot more for it. 
The things in the product itself, they were kind of okay with. Just the fact that it would probably be cheaper to get other ones with the same ingredients but without the label "Gamer". 

The caffeine in it is not much to be honest. My cheap caffeine supplement is having twice the amount of caffeine and is a loooot cheaper. 

So if you are looking for some way to save money on all those Red Bulls you are drinking. There are other ways, like caffeine pills. By looking at the amount of caffeine per serving, you can easily make the math to make sure you get the same amount that you would from a Red Bull. 
I would not recommend you to take caffeine supplements and at the same time drink energy drinks. Since you might get a bit too much caffeine into your system.

With all the talk nowadays on performing enhancing drugs etc in eSports. The thing about taking caffeine pills instead of drinking all those energy drinks should not even be something to debate.

Would I consider supplements being a good thing in eSports?

Definitely! The industry that creates a lot of different energy drinks is not exactly having the gamers health as their top priority. 

If there would be some serious supplements created to actually help the gamers out, it would be awesome indeed. Maybe there actually are some famous ones out there that I just have missed. 

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