Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Barcelona could be out of La Liga?

If Catalonia breaks free - Barca is out!

That seems to be the result IF Catalonia breaks free from Spain. That is a big IF though. The 27th of September there are regional elections in Catalonia. If a certain party wins they will try to break free from Spain. 
So IF that happends 18 months later it could be a fact. No more el Clasicos. The spanish league president states that if Catalonia would break out, then they do not have a place for Barcelona. 

Honestly though, could Spain afford to lose out on such a big name? What would happen to their league?
Real Madrid would be the new FC Bayern just buying everything else in the entire league and win the titles early in the season. And would a team like Real Madrid be able to buy the biggest players?

The new rules for people outside of EU is definitely helping the spanish clubs. Since the english clubs can't buy all players due to the work permit issues. So the brazilians, argentinians etc would still probably choose La Liga. The language  and the weather are probably big factors as well.
But the money is best in England, at least the average salary. The amount that Messi and Ronaldo makes is astronomical but the average player in La Liga makes less than in Premier League I'd guess.

Probably this will never happen. And I am hoping that it does not. But the people of Catalonia might actually go through with this. Every home game the crowd chants for independence at minute 17. They are referring to year 1714 where they last had autonomy.

Here are the links where I read about this. So if I misunderstood something, here are the sources I used.


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