Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Changes incoming to the meta in League of Legends?

New meta coming in League of Legends?

I consider it a clever move by Riot. Every now and then they make some abilities stronger and some weaker. The new champions is a quick way to change the so called "meta". Throwing in a new champion in the mix with abilities that can do things in a more efficient way than was previously known as the best way to play.

They made the dragon more important due to the buff you get being dependent on how many dragons you have previously killed. That way the teams are fighting regurarely over the dragon. You simply can't afford to give the opponents too many "free dragons" anymore.

Now however I believe there might be something new coming. A new champion has just been released, Kindred. I believe that this is a first step towards more fights happening in the jungle in the early game. 

Champion Spotligt Kindred

Kindred is a champion that is mostly played in the jungle. He gets stronger by killing marked targets. Your wolf companion will mark targets at random (jungle monsters though, not champions). You can also mark enemy champions of your choosing though. If you get these marks you will get a permanent buff in your autoattack damage.

Why is this champion so vital to the "new meta" I am talking about?
In this video RIot themselves actually shows players that they are to contest these marks. That often will mean a team fight, like when dragon spawns. I don't think that it is such a stupid guess that future patches will have changes that will keep encouraging early team fights in the jungle.
It seems to be a good way to keep tweaking the game into something "new" in order to avoid losing players. Riot are doing a great job of constantly changing the game.

I can honestly say that I have experienced having troubles catching up to everything that is new when I came from a long break from the game. So the game is definitely changing, which is a good thing like I said.

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