Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Far Cry 3

Far Cry 3

Uplay. It had to be f-ing Uplay! There are few systems surrounding the gaming industry that I hate more. And sure enough. I had to mess around for like 15 minutes before I got the game running. 
I bought the game via Steam and when I had installed it and was going to start the game I was sent to the Uplay..
And I had saved my account information. The account name and password etc on a piece of paper, I mean that can't go wrong, right?
Hah! Instead of signing in with my account name though, they were asking me to insert the emailaddress. That information however, was not on the piece of paper!

So eventually I figured out which email I used and reset the password etc. And I could start the game! Though I had to restart both Steam and Uplay. It just kept telling me to go to Steam, go to Uplay, go to Steam etc.

At first I had to agree with some comment I read about the game. Like Skyrim, but with guns. However after a few minutes. Especially after I saw the map I was certain. This is exactly like Assassins Creed! A lot of stuff inside the game as well. Like the radio towers. They are the exact same thing as the vintage points in Assassins Creed. You even have to exit them in the same fashion. Instead of jumping down into a pile of hay, you use a zipline though. 

Honestly, this fact might make me a bit more prone to get bored by this game faster. Since I have played all the Assassins Creeds quite recently so the entire thing feels a bit old to me.

But there is a reason why I played through all the Assassins Creeds. I enjoyed them. So I am enjoying this game as well!

The story is okay I suppose. Don't really need a reason to run around in this beautiful enviroment. So the story will come in second hand. Really scary dude that is the enemy though. They have made that well, I bet some are really freaked out by him.

It is a really nice game to stream. Got some nice conversations going the first time I streamed it on Twitch. And that is a big plus for me. I love the social aspect of the gaming/streaming. Plus I can get help from people if I get stuck on some things.

I will definitely play this game for many hours in the days to come!

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