Saturday, October 10, 2015

The Walking Dead - The Game

New game for Roman! The Walking Dead!

So there is a sale on Steam on some of the Telltale games

I felt that I enjoyed the "point and click" game called Frankenstein: Master of Death a lot which made me buy another one like it.

I have seen a few seasons of the TV series Walking Dead and I liked it. Games that are directly made after a movie or a TV series are generally bad I'd say. Since you already know exactly what will happen. 
This game however is just taking place in the same universe that the TV series. That was appealing to me! The games I have been playing recently are also zombie games.

I don't want to spoil too much of the game. That is why I just put up this video from the beginning of the game. It is not the first minutes of it but there has not been a lot of playtime before this video was made. 

It is from my Twitch stream.

It is a lot of video material in the game. Which means that you can sit back, relax and just enjoy the video. It is a perfect game to play when you just want to play something but you don't want to focus on last hitting like in League of Legends or focus 100% on aiming like in Counter Strike. 
Time flies when I play this game. And even though it is not difficult so far, I have had a few puzzles that I have enjoyed breaking. They were hard enough for me to feel that "Yes!" feeling when I got passed them.

You are creating a story, a movie. And your decisions will impact the rest of the game a lot. You will see a good example of that in the video above. And the choices are not easy to make. A lot of dialogs are tricky as well. Like, what do I answer to this question? And there is a timer on the time you have to choose your response. 

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